“Dare to dream through STEAM and think positively for the future” School interdisciplinary counseling through STE(A)M for students and teachers

Submitted by katatma_math on Tue, 12/10/2021 - 02:31

General Info

“Dare to dream through STEAM and think positively for the future” School interdisciplinary counseling through STE(A)M for students and teachers
Purpose (100 words)

The policy I propose came up in a  foundational moment for Greece. Emerging from the after Covid-19 period and a severe economic and social crisis that has greatly affected its economy, society and education system has engaged in a number of important reforms to re-establish the conditions for its education system to thrive.

Εducation needs to change to meet new economic, social and cultural challenges and the expanding demands. Τhis STEAM educational purpose aims at preparing, during the school year, current students aged 16-18 for the future career path. 

The 2020 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) shows that 42% of Europeans do not have even basic digital skills. 54% of small and medium-sized enterprises who try to recruit digital experts experience difficulties in filling these vacancies. 

The strategy is intended to “ensure clear choices and to rally the school’s support for  future issues about students and teachers”

The development plan for the strategy proposed seven strategic tenets:

· build a learning society and strengthen our students and teachers towards new facts of economy and the needs of the labor market.

· increase the European and international components of the learning methods to fasten the connection to the future jobs.

  · boost social mobility and further social inclusion

  · design new orientation of our students to 21st-century higher education

  · respond to our young people’s and their parents aspirations.

  · informing young people about the demands of the labor market in the wider local industrial area in which the school is located

  · creating inspirational links of current entrepreneurship with the school.

It also identified four main levers:

· define a new higher education landscape  

· listen to and support the men and women who work in higher education

· listen to and connect the industries to support school’s needs

· invest in a learning society for students, ex -students, their parents and teachers .

These lead to an action plan (Béjean and Monthubert, 2015)



Issuing date
11 October 2021
Originating country/region
Initiator / author
Atmatzidou Katerina,
Policy approval authority
This is not an officialy approved policy. It is an assignment done as part of the STEAMonEdu Blended Course 2021. It contains useful points ,insights and might be adopted at a later stage by regional , national or local authorities.

Applicability and Audience

Applicability area
Educational Framework
upper high school/lyceum
All Educational framework at national level


Reason for policy


Through this policy

  • Firstly, we focus in 16-18  years old students who are preparing to take the national exams to obtain their entrance to national public universities and design their future through this choice. We will help them to discover their skills and focus on their development in order to choose the profession that is most suitable for their profile.
  • Secondly,  teachers will benefit in their pedagogical and professional aspect of their job. This will turn back to students as  meta-beneficiaries.


Recipients will be first of all our students but from result will be all society, because we will educate the future workforce to respond innovatively to real-world problems.

Also recipient will be the whole Greek educational system as individual steps of teachers of all subjects to STEAM make a right tense for the future of Greek education.

Special needs

Because of the model of policy we propose all students and teachers may be included. Actually because of the restriction of pandemic some of them have to study from home and watch synchronously or asynchronously their class, the policy took consideration of them and reformed the typical classroom for them in order   to participate to the school class activities. 

A refugee crisis for example  during 2015-17 resulted in at least 12 000 school-age children joining the education system, adding challenges to a system already struggling with resource limits. While many refugees intended to transit to other European countries, a number of them have begun to leave their refugee camps for more permanent accommodation in Greece, and their children are being integrated into local schools. 

As there are groups of students with special needs we must admit that the effect of attending a STEM school was stronger for girls, economically disadvantaged, and underrepresented minority group students.                                                                                                                                                         

Description of the policy


Value proposal

Students be connected to their future

Teacher be more professionals and re-educated about the trends of the labor market which makes their influence to their students more affected.

Local community be connected to school.

Local industries  contribute to prepare  the local students to existed work places.

No brain drain from Greece.






Our students will gain exploratory thinking and a greater interest in the learning process.

70% -80% of students will be able to decide their professional future.



The impact of School Counseling  through STE(A)M on students' social and emotional well-being growth, including incentive gains, perseverance, commitment, empathy and emotional regulation. Students learn to adapt their actions in relation to the actions of others - enhancing their self-efficacy and social perceptiveness. unique ability to help students understand new perspectives and participation in social and creating emotional skills.

Implementation procedures and plan


Value proposal

Students be connected to their future

Teacher be more professionals and re-educated about the trends of the labor market which makes their influence to their students more affected.

Local community be connected to school.

Local industries  contribute to prepare  the local students to existed work places.

No brain drain from Greece.






Our students will gain exploratory thinking and a greater interest in the learning process.

70% -80% of students will be able to decide their professional future.



The impact of School Counseling  through STE(A)M on students' social and emotional well-being growth, including incentive gains, perseverance, commitment, empathy and emotional regulation. Students learn to adapt their actions in relation to the actions of others - enhancing their self-efficacy and social perceptiveness. unique ability to help students understand new perspectives and participation in social and creating emotional skills.


Structures for implementation

1   Activities                                     •         During the year students with the help of their teachers through their lessons to develop the STEAM philosophy and create small assignments.

•         Once a week to discuss different professions and each student to make a presentation of a profession. (100mentors platform  and  OEPEC)

•         Once a month to communicate for one to two hours either live or remotely with various professionals and career guidance counselors. (TTP)

•         Prepare students to take part in competition in Greece, Europe, international. .( VODAFONE GENERATION NEXT)

•         A sub-team of our students will be training during the whole year. We have already had a special place for the students in the school to work, collaborate and prepare their constructions

•         During the year students will have the opportunity to post in a blog about STEAM and inform their  friends about STEAM, science, technology etc

•         At the end of the school year they can organize a local fairy,  “STEAM weak”

•         Work on SHELFIE tool for the school and help teachers to benefit.


Monitoring and evaluation


Table 7.1 – Risks/Competition


Risk description


Due to the pandemic there may be weaknesses for face-to-face lessons and career information labs so there is a need for remote virtual workshops.


Delaying the approval of speakers.


The lack of an IT specialist who will help the organization.


As public schools the lack of material and technical infrastructure that will support the organization's event.


Small number of offers, difficult selection, high workload for each member of the group, low quality results








Mitigation strategy

Redefining goals and reprogramming with flexibility.


Knowing that today's 18-year-olds when they enter the labor market, the professions will have diversified and that they must have the knowledge to adapt we will try through this policy to excel the existing professions, to communicate  with professionals  and also to give them the supplies through the STE (A) M philosophy to be able to adapt to new working conditions.

Educational Material/Resources

Material/resources (file/URL) accompanying the policy
“Dare to dream through STEAM and think positively for the future”



Policy File

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