problem-based learning

Olimpiadi Problem Solving... No Problem!

Submitted by simazzeo on Sun, 24/05/2020 - 03:23

L ' "I.C.  Montalto Uffugo - Taverna” took the initiative of the Olympics Problem Solving, promoted by MIUR, and made it a school project that has now reached its fourth edition and a large involvement of girls and boys of the Primary and Secondary classes.

The project is embedded in a wider didactic action that starts from kindergarten (4/5 year) giving children, with simple playful paths the opportunity to learn the first algorithmic rudiments.

Moodle course

Submitted by evladescu on Wed, 20/05/2020 - 15:01

"Student-centered pedagogical methods in a European context" Moodle course is a mini-guide for active learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning and project-based learning. This course was created by Elena Vladescu, teacher and Scientix Ambassador for Romania in collaboration with Preeti Gahlawat, Scientix Ambassador for Sweden on Scientix Moodle platform.