
Black History Month

Submitted by Marianthi on Mon, 12/04/2021 - 18:13

A project on the anniversary of African-American history and human rights. Students in groups will research historical facts about this celebration, find information about African American representatives of sports, arts (music, art, cinema), science and politics, learn the stories of Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges and their importance to human rights, analyze works of art, create timelines for African American Nobel Laureates and present their work at an information and awareness event to be organized in February which is a month of remembrance at the Corfu Library for their school.

Combining programming with the learning of concepts of natural sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (stem) through the creation of a portable application for weather forecast

Submitted by gariou on Tue, 26/05/2020 - 15:47

The practice described attempted to create a portable weather forecasting app for smart mobile devices with an operating system. Educational material from the Greek National Aggregator of Educational Content «Photodentro» was used, as well as a variety of educational and non-digital material freely available on the Internet (e-books, tutorials, API, graphics files, etc.). It was associated with teaching in the classroom (project 2nd high school class).