STEAM activities, digital competences, transversal skills, education

STE(A)M curriculum in high school (StemonEdu 2020/2021 Blended Course Assignment)"

Submitted by OtiliaV on Fri, 01/10/2021 - 00:26

At the moment this is not an officialy approved policy. It is an assignment done as part of the STEAMonEdu Blended Course 2021. It contains useful insights and might be adopted at a later stage by national or local authorities.

The purpose of this document is to describe possible directions of STEAM education for students who do not have computer classes in the school curriculum.


Submitted by Oana Iacob on Mon, 27/09/2021 - 22:48

At the moment this is not an officially approved policy. It is an assignment done as part of the STEAMonEdu Blended Course 2021. It contains useful insights and might be adopted at a later stage by national or local authorities.

Our policy requires the implementation of an optional discipline to be studied by students in 3rd and 4th grade. During the classes, the students will be involved in activities based on a STEAM approach: experimenting, investigating, solving realistic problems, questioning facts and statements.