Scientific Web radio, web tv, STEAM, THINKERING, BYOD, , Arts, Maths, Physics, CLIL, creativity, Arts, Maths, Physics, CLIL, creativity, logic, History, subject-connection

INNOV@DIDATTICA: STEAM, THINKERING & CLIL on a scientific web radio and web tv

Submitted by tamaramaio20 on Thu, 18/06/2020 - 17:53

How  can Students  learn basic physics contents about phenomena we observe around us? How can we increase  student's interests in Maths and Physics if he  studies at  Linguistic Lyceum?

We believe that STEAM education and Thinkering laboratory is the answer.

By using CLIL methodology, CBL approach and BYOD technique, during our laboratory we found our that the laboratory approach is the most effective way to engage students with STEM subjects.