Use the free STE(A)M Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) to find out how your organization performs on STE(A)M Education.
You can assess your organization and improve on how it uses STE(A)M education on its formal or informal education programs!
SAT operates in six simple steps. Register your organization in the platform. Create your survey from your account page. Start the survey, inviting the participants with simple links. Get the report which is created automatically after the survey period. Assess and improve based on the findings. Repeat the process to track your progress.
SAT is a free tool designed to assist educational organizations include STE(A)M education in their educational program. SAT supports educational organizations to assess and improve their STE(A)M education. SAT anonymously collects the opinions of educational organization leaders, teachers and students, on how STE(A)M is used in their organization.