General Info
Digit reprezent the whole numbers from 0 to 9 and the Arabic numerals representing them, which are combined to represent base-ten numbers.
For example, the number 789.1 has four digits: the hundreds digit is 7, the tens digit is 8, the units digit is 9, and the tenths digit is 1.
To solve these problems, an algorithm can be used through a finite sequence of elementary steps.
The algorithm will comprise a complete and finite set of known operations, which have a well-established sequence and aim to transform a finite set of input values into a finite set of output values in a finite time.
Audience and Educational Framework
Educational Details
The activity was implemented in a secondary school. Students learn how to code in a block programming environment (Scratch).
The algorithm for processing the digits of a number, always obtains the last digit of the current number as the remainder of the division by 10 (digit = n% 10), and then removes this digit from the number (n = n / 10).
The algorithm continues as long as n> 0.
To apply the mathematical operators modulo and div in the instructions for determining the digits in a number.
To identify ways to determine the digits of a number
To identify situations where it is necessary to use repetitive control structures
To correctly apply the repetitive control structures acquired in concrete applications
To analyze how algorithms work
(where and how the practice was implemented)
Educational material/resources (file/URL) accompanying the practice