mSchools toolbox

Postat de esther.subias@… la Mar, 06/23/2020 - 14:37

General Info

mSchools toolbox

The mSchools Toolbox is an online repository of validated and tested mobile educational content for schools, teachers, parents and students. The content is curated by teachers and educational experts to ensure it fits the current educational curriculum.

The Toolbox is designed to:

  • Make it easy for educators to select the best mobile content for their educational needs.
  • Increase the availability and usage of mobile educational content for the mSchools
  • Showcase the best classroom experiences of mobile content in education.
  • Be a place for the community to evaluate & comment on existing mobile educational content.
  • Motivate the industry to create educational content better suited to the local requirements.
  • Discover it on

mSchools is a multi-faceted mEducation programme of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, in partnership with Generalitat of Catalonia, Barcelona City Hall and GSMA.

mSchools empowers students and teachers to integrate mobile technologies into the classroom, opening up new ways of teaching and learning that improve achievement and employability.


Disciplina STEAM
Termeni cheie
free (no-licence declared)
Autorul practicii
Mobile World Capital. Barcelona
Ocupația autorului
It's an institution
Organizația autorului
Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Audience and Educational Framework

Competența publicului
Interval de vârstă

Educational Details

Subiect educațional
mSchools Toolbox is an online collection of educational apps, reviewed and rated by teachers. It applies to several topics
Descrierea practicii

With tohousands of educational apps avalaible, the right apps suitable for your classroom needs can be a challenge. mSchools Toolbox is an online collection of educational apps, reviewed and rated by teachers.
mSchools Toolbox provides easy access to high value mobile educational content for teachers, students and parents. Expert teachers analyse, classify and share apps as well as valuable educational classroom experiences, making mSchools Toolbox the best selection of teaching apps for classroom use.

  • An online platform tailored to the educational community
  • All apps continually reviewed and rated by teachers
  • Apps aligned to the educational curriculum.


2 ani
Utilizare educațională
all topics, you can find almost everything that help teachers to hold the class, work in grups, develop the curriculum, etc.

Rezultatele învăţării

The toolbox is very flexible: you can find experiences (developed at class with mobiles), simple apps and colections (see in different areas of knowledge and different educational levels. 

The creation of the toolbox is an educational experience itself



Dezvoltați noi abilități
Învățare pe tot parcursul vieții, conștientizarea studenților despre ceea ce știu și ce sunt capabili să facă
Mod de livrare
Învățare mixtă

Hardware/Software/Alte resurse

Mobile devices and APPS.


(where and how the practice was implemented)

Țara care a fost implementată
Organizația căreia i s-a aplicat
Primary and secundary schools

Educational material/resources (file/URL) accompanying the practice

Material/resurse educaționale

Educational Resource Type
Interactivity Type



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