General discussion

STEM Activity with Arduino

Submitted by Adnan Akyüz on Thu, 25/02/2021 - 09:41

Using the SCAMPER thinking technique, we used the rain sensor we use in arduino projects for a very different purpose; "Measuring Weight with Rain Sensor"
All stages of the SCAMPER technique encouraged creativity in STEM activities we will do with our students.
At the end of our event, we examined the designs they created by combining the laws of physics and technology in a single process. We chose designs with the most efficient and ideal benefit / cost ratio.
I also let them apply other steps of the STEM approach and improve their designs.

Geometry behind Art

Submitted by didaisaia on Thu, 18/02/2021 - 18:36

concursThe collage represent some artworks created by my students, after the first geometry lesson about the basics notions of geometry (point, lines and plane). They had to use, in their artworks, points in order to compose a landscape, a portrait etc. The goal of this activity was to boost the students' motivation for studying geometry during the online school courses.

Pixel Art "Paxi"

Submitted by voulamil on Tue, 16/02/2021 - 21:46

This is an award-winning pixel art coding activity implemented in the context of the esa competition (November 2020) with the theme: Coding. The students of our Kindergarten thought, cooperated and following the instructions of the code made their favorite Paxi.

Pixel Art "Paxi"


Future STEMists join forces

Submitted by Vasiliki Psaridou on Sat, 23/01/2021 - 09:56

Future STEMists Join Forces was an international (3 schools participated - two from Greece and one from Turkey) interdisciplinary (students, teachers, doctors, engineers and social workers were part of it), motivating (students learnt a lot about different stem jobs) and interactive project (all students - boys and girls- were actively part of it). The aim was to inform and motivate local community about the problems that a person with a disability can face if she/he would like to enter in our schools.  

Intergenerational Bee-bot competition

Submitted by gabicris on Sat, 12/12/2020 - 13:30

The picture was taken during the Meet and Code project ”Intergenerational Bee-bot  competition”, in 2019. The project aimed to develop the programming competences, in SNAP! visual language, of 9 -12 years old students from 6 different Romanian schools, from urban and rural areas. The teams transferred the Bee-bot movements (designed by other teams) in the SNAP! visual language. In the competition it was allowed the help of the students parents and grandparents.

Scratch și.... goool!

Submitted by gabicris on Sat, 12/12/2020 - 12:58
Scratch și ....goool!

The picture, uploaded in the Image contest, was taken during the final competition in the Scratch and..... gooal! project. The project was declared winner in the Kick and code category of the  2018 Meet and Code initiative. The project aimed to develop the coding competences of 9 years old students through football movements.