
Bitbot program

Submitted by esther.subias@… on Mon, 22/06/2020 - 15:15

The Secretariat of Digital Policies, in collaboration with the Department of Education, promotes the Bitbot program to promote the extracurricular offer of activities in the field of programming and educational robotics in Catalonia (STEAM actions). It was created on 2016, as a unique initiative that aims to increase interest and vocations in the field of ICT, and improve the digital competence of young people.

Minecraft voyage

Submitted by evladescu on Wed, 20/05/2020 - 15:42

It was a collaborative workshop about coding in Minecraft. 18 year old students helped 9 and 10 years old students to make first steps in Minecraft coding. Learning objectives: 1. peer-to-peer, collaborative and team working; 4. using a game to introduce young students to coding; 3. have fun with coding in Minecraft.
Materials: tutorials from
Challenge: Some students, especially girls were shy and they didn’t want to participate in the beginning, so I had to find a way to convince them that coding is fun also for girls.

16 EU Code Week activities to inspire your next lesson in coding

Submitted by domar68 on Tue, 19/05/2020 - 12:18

My involvement in the EU Code Week campaign was a real challenge. I carried out different activities with pupils, students and teachers, starting with meetings, in the classroom and laboratories, and continuing with workshops organized in a conference, in the festivities room of a high school, at the university or in a regular meeting with teachers for exchange of experiences.