Our project partner EOS Romania Foundation organized the first multiplier event of STEAMonEdu on 7 April 2021. The event was organized online using the platform Microsoft Teams, and the main topic referred to “STE(A)M competences for teachers”.
The webinar was addressed to teachers and educational institutions who are involved in STE(A)M classroom teaching activities or to teachers who want to become familiar with how to integrate STE(A)M activities in the teaching process.
More than 350 teachers and school representatives participated in the event. The webinar presented the project objectives and outputs and also the structure of the MOOC that will be launched in April 2021 by the STEAMonEdu project consortium. On this occasion, teachers interested in attending the MOOC, were able to express their interest in the training and found out detailed information about the calendar of training sessions.
Participants were very enthusiastic about the content of the event and showed a special interest towards the content and the structure of the MOOC. A pre-registration link for the MOOC course was circulated during the event and almost all participants accessed the link and provided their contact details in order to be contacted when the MOOC will be launched.
The highlights of the event were related to the big number of participants that responded to the invitation and the interest manifested by them towards the topics presented during the event. Teachers, trainers, school networks and training centres are constantly interested in using new resources and training approaches in their teaching process. In Romania there are very few training opportunities on STE(AM) education, and STEAMonEdu training offer was very well received by the educational sector.
At the end of the event, a dedicated session for discussions was initiated, and participants had the chance to address a lot of questions related to structure of the MOOC, conditions to participate in the training, degree of difficulty of the training content. The event was positively evaluated, and all participants are waiting for next activities developed within the STEAMonEdu project.
By EOS Romania