The Greek Ministry of Education and Religion has officially announced its initiative for collecting STEM and STEAM school projects through a public open call to all the Greek schools of primary and secondary education. The call is addressed to all Greek educators willing to share their prototype educational material in the context of implementing a STEM or STEAM school project.
Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece welcomes and supports this initiative in its implementation which is actually bringing Greek Education a step closer to the preparatory actions for forming a concise and well-structured STEM or/and STE(A)M Educational Policy on the National Level.
The promotional material of those projects will be including students’ texts up to 300 words long, photographs (up to 5 photographs per project), videos (up to 2 videos per project with a link from an external channel) and art creations (up to 2 per project).
All the prototype material will be uploaded on the dedicated website in the category “Innovation”. Of course, the content should not be containing direct or indirect advertisements of private companies’ products or services. GDPR rules should be taken into account and of course, parents’ consent forms should be signed and collected in case students’ faces are shown in the photos or videos.
Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash