A platform for learning, certification, and employment!
Our Romanian project partner EOS Romania is currently implementing the program EOS DIGITAL ACADEMY, a program that offers a wide range of digital and software skills courses that correspond to the most sought-after jobs on the job market, courses as:
Basic digital skills course (IC3 – internet and basic digital skills)
Microsoft Office Productivity Skills Course (Word, Excel and PowerPoint, intermediate and advanced level)
Microsoft Technical Skills Course (Azure Fundamentals and Azure Ai Fundamentals, intermediate and advanced level).
EOS DIGITAL ACADEMY is a platform for learning, certification, and employment that supports people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to acquire digital skills necessary to enable them to keep their current job or to apply for other jobs.
Since 2021, EOS Romania Foundation – with the financial support of Microsoft, brings digital training programs closer to people who have lost their jobs due to the COVID pandemic19. Beneficiaries of the program will have access to:
EOS DIGITAL ACADEMY offers access to a number of resources, including the ones from Microsoft and LinkedIn portfolios. The resources provided by Microsoft and LinkedIn reach millions of people worldwide each year. These resources prepare interested people to look for and apply for new jobs. By accessing these tools, they can gain the confidence and the know-how they need to turn new digital skills into opportunities.
In addition to free access to resources, EOS DIGITAL ACADEMY offers to participants in the program a range of mentoring sessions in which the tools will be presented and explained to all those interested. Mentors in the program will ensure that by participating in the program, students will acquire skills and validate them, and they will be 100% ready for the employment process in a digital job (CV creation, LinkedIn profile, search, application, and interview preparation).
For more information, please visit the project website.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash