General Info
Programming is a key skill that must be developed at children for working in robotics.
To understand robotics, they needs, later, to specialize in various scientific and engineering domains along with a set of robust programming languages. Regarding to programming languages, the most used to program a robot are: C++, Python, Java, Lisp, so on.
Open Roberta is a platform that encourage children to code by using robots such as Lego Mindstorms, and other programmable hardware systems such as Arduino, BBC micro:bit, and the Calliope mini.
NEPO language (a free open source meta programming language) that can be used by students, scholars, teachers, and other interested persons within the Open Roberta Lab.
Audience and Educational Framework
Educational Details
Students participated in online robot programming courses through the Zoom app.
The programming platform used was Open Roberta.
The OPEN ROBERTA LAB platform, through the NEPO language, offers the possibility to program both virtual robots, using the integrated simulator, and real ones if the purchased kits are available. The integrated platform simulator allows the virtual programming of a simple 2D robot model on a computer with a simple configuration, connected to the Internet.
The platform is a platform for 8-16 year old students who want to learn computer science and robotics to participate in the robotics competition or for their general culture. It is also an educational engine based on artificial intelligence for adaptive learning.
Quantitative results:
- Participation in online courses
- Participation in school competitions (programming and robotics)
Qualitative results:
- Capitalizing on the creative potential of the students participating in the activities
- Development of algorithmic and creative thinking skills in solving the proposed tasks.
- Increasing the prestige of the institution at local, regional level. national
(where and how the practice was implemented)
Educational material/resources (file/URL) accompanying the practice
Anhang | Größe |
Lesson - OpenRoberta.pdf | 503.72 KB |