SteamOnEdu Content

Educational Practices

Title Language STEAM discipline Published on Author Comments Rate this Practice
Πανδημία: να το δούμε ως ευκαιρία EL Science, Technology, Arts, Mathematics Wed, 24/03/2021 - 16:28 olgagiannak 0

1 votes with an average rating of 5.

A STEAM Educational Scenario on Sustainability: Sustainable House EL Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics Wed, 24/03/2021 - 14:36 PalladioS 0

1 votes with an average rating of 4.

Βιώσιμες πόλεις: Τέχνη για τη ζωή EL Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics Mon, 22/03/2021 - 13:14 olgagiannak 0

2 votes with an average rating of 5.

Smart Path: Android εφαρμογή αξιολόγησης πεζοδρομίων EL Technology Mon, 22/03/2021 - 12:51 dimitrisbanos 0

1 votes with an average rating of 5.

#StayInformed EL Science, Technology Mon, 22/03/2021 - 09:46 con@sof 0

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Educational Policies

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Title Language Sort descending Published on Authored by Comments Rate this Policy
National Digital School Plan EN Wed, 24/06/2020 - 22:05 MARTA VENTURELLA 0

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STE(A)M curriculum in vocational education (SteamonEdu 2020/2021 Blended Course Assignement) EN Fri, 24/09/2021 - 17:33 Doinita_B 2

4 votes with an average rating of 4.8.

STE(A)M it by your needs("SteamonEdu 2020/2021 Blended Course Assignment") EN Tue, 21/09/2021 - 16:55 aparousinas 0

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STEAM women: evolution and scenarios in Lombardy EN Wed, 01/07/2020 - 20:54 MARTA VENTURELLA 0

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STEAM CURRICULUM - (STEAMonEDU 2020/2021 Blended Course Assignment) EN Wed, 22/09/2021 - 17:04 simazzeo 0

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