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Practici educaționale

Title Language STEAM discipline Published on Sortează ascendent Author Comments Rate this Practice
Educational Robotics and STEM Education Implementation and Lesson Plan in the Subject of 5th Grade Geography with WeDo by LEGO EL Ştiinţă, Inginerie, Matematică Mar, 04/20/2021 - 19:42 Dim.Alexandris 9

6 votes with an average rating of 5.

Με το Sammy οδηγό την ιστορία της πόλης μου εξερευνώ EL Ştiinţă, Tehnologie, Inginerie, Arte , Matematică Vin, 04/16/2021 - 12:05 Marlen 3

1 votes with an average rating of 5.

Οι ερευνητές των δέντρων (Tree Detectives) EL Ştiinţă, Tehnologie, Inginerie, Arte , Matematică Mie, 04/14/2021 - 23:19 Margarita_Samoutian 0

2 votes with an average rating of 4.

“SCIENTIX” Το Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο Επαγγελματικής Ανάπτυξης Εκπαιδευτικών για την Εκπαίδευση STEM EL Ştiinţă, Tehnologie, Inginerie, Arte , Matematică Mie, 04/14/2021 - 14:46 NIK MAKRIS 1

1 votes with an average rating of 3.

Το Φως Διαδίδεται στην Οπτική Ίνα 3D Real Model EL Ştiinţă Mar, 04/13/2021 - 15:19 vasdrougas 1

2 votes with an average rating of 5.

Politici educaționale

Use 2 letter country code (e.g. GR, IT, RO)
Title Language Published on Sortează ascendent Authored by Comments Rate this Policy
Action plan for education in Romania RO Mar, 07/07/2020 - 17:50 Laurentiu Bunescu 0

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The STEAM International Lyceum EN Mar, 07/07/2020 - 13:33 MARTA VENTURELLA 0

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STEAM women: evolution and scenarios in Lombardy EN Mie, 07/01/2020 - 20:54 MARTA VENTURELLA 0

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National Digital School Plan EN Mie, 06/24/2020 - 22:05 MARTA VENTURELLA 0

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STEM 4 future EN Mie, 06/24/2020 - 15:06 MARTA VENTURELLA 0

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