The Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” (CTI) is an independent non-profit research institute affiliated with the Ministry of Education. It focuses on research and development in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Since 1992 CTI is being supervised by the Greek Ministry of Education as a financially, administratively and scientifically independent institution, as its technological pillar supporting ICT in education and as the publishing body of Greek school books and electronic educational materials.
CTI is also responsible for the administration of the Greek School Network, the largest user network in Greece and for the organization and operation of the electronic infrastructure of the Greek Ministry of Education and all its educational units.
DAISSy (Design of Ambient Intelligent Social Systems) was established in 2001 as Research Unit 3 within CTI. Its mission is to address societal needs by developing meliorative technology and constantly pursuing innovation. The vision of the researchers of DAISSy group is to contribute to the realization of an advanced humane society by inventing technology that adapts and supports human needs and not the other way round! The DAISSy group has accumulated expertise in Social Computing Systems, MOOCs, Online Learning Platforms, Serious Games, Digital Content, STE(A)M Education, Inclusive Education, IoT and Mobile Systems, Knowledge Extraction and Representation, Smart Environments, Smart Cities, Quality Assurance, Standards, User Profiling, User Experience, Digital Skills and Competences, Lifelong learning, Certification, Job Profiling, Learning Pathways.
Since its establishment, DAISSy has coordinated and participated in more than 60 national and European projects, in various frameworks. Today the group employs more than 25 persons, including University professors, PostDoc researchers, PhD and MSc holders, researchers in computer science, artificial intelligence and social sciences, experienced ICT engineers, programmers and administrative personnel.
Websites: http://www.cti.gr/en; http://daissy.eap.gr/en/
Contact person: Achilles Kameas info@daissy.eap.gr