
19 May 2020

STEAM initiatives in Catalonia to address the health crisis

In response to the Covid-19 health crisis, our partner Colectic has launched some STEAM initiatives to help generate collective awareness against the coronavirus and also […]
8 July 2020

Promoting STE(A)M education in Catalonia

STEAMonEdu project partner Colectic is a nonprofit cooperative in Barcelona that works for the inclusion, autonomy and empowerment of people and communities in the social, […]
31 July 2020

Núria Salan about STE(A)M community in Catalonia

Núria Salán Ballesteros (Barcelona, b.1963) is a Catalan chemist, professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and current president of the Catalan Society of […]
7 September 2020

STE(A)M in Catalonia (Spain)

The Government of Catalonia, some universities and some jointly private initiatives are promoting STE(A)M education through different initiatives at Catalonia. Supporting teachers and learners, creating […]