
11 September 2020

Advocating for STE(A)M education in Romania

Romania is facing a lack of policies and action plans in the field of STE(A)M education at central and regional level. This is one of […]
15 September 2020

STEM MOOCs package from European Schoolnet Academy

After the 2018 course “STEM Is Everywhere” meant to connect Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) classes with “real life” and help teachers integrate real-world […]
21 September 2020

International survey on teachers’ practices and use of educational technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic

New comprehensive international survey on teachers’ practices and use of educational technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey, which is addressed to teachers in primary […]
25 September 2020

Francesc Rambla: “Different STE(A)M subjects are fundamental to make these proposals reach a wider audience”

Francesc Rambla is a technical engineer in telecommunications. He has worked for more than twenty years as a consultant in the field of information and […]