
19 May 2020

STEAM initiatives in Catalonia to address the health crisis

In response to the Covid-19 health crisis, our partner Colectic has launched some STEAM initiatives to help generate collective awareness against the coronavirus and also […]
22 May 2020

STE(A)M Education for youngsters in Romania – Cloud Career Accelerator

Our Romanian partner EOS – Educating for an Open Society Foundation, in early May 2020 launched the Cloud Career Accelerator project in partnership with Microsoft […]
26 May 2020

SEVEN European projects that boost STEM and STE(A)M education

With STEM and recently STE(A)M skills growing in demand, a lot of initiatives and programmes have been established at regional, national, and European levels to […]
29 May 2020

STEAMonEdu presented to 450 webinar participants

STEAMonEdu Project was presented on 22 May 2020 at the scientific webinar entitled “Integrating Computational Thinking-Computing and the Epistemology of STEM through the model of […]