
24 September 2021

The STE(A)M education framework

One of the outputs of the STEAMonEdu project is the “STE(A)M education framework”. The report attempts to bring together the defining elements of STE(A)M education, […]
1 October 2021

Mind over Matter – the project inaugurating a new methodology to introduce young people to STEM and STEAM careers

Mind over Matter is an Erasmus+ European project for students aged 13-18 years that uses an innovative methodology inspired by design thinking to introduce young […]
8 October 2021

STE(A)M within policies

STE(A)M education is included within most of the recent policies released by the European Commission. The Digital Education Action Plan clearly set as strategic priorities […]
15 October 2021

STEAMonEdu final conference at the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2021

On the 14th of October 2021, within the 14th ALL DIGITAL Summit, a unique platform for the European digital inclusion sector, took place the STEAMonEdu project […]